Price Change Notice


     Grooming Notices:

To cope with rising cost of running a small business (Rent, Insurance, Salary, Tools, maintenance etc.), we have made the hard decision to raise some of our prices by up to 15%. Thank you for your understanding.

Please note we are not taking any NEW clients at this moment to avoid over booking. Thank you for your understanding.


For existing clients: Full grooming appointments are booking for approximately 8 weeks in advance.

Bath and tidy for dogs are booking for approximately 1-2 weeks depending on the breed and size.

Cat Grooming appointments are booking approximately 4 weeks in advance. :)

To book a grooming appointment:

Please call us at (613)680-2222 or request an appointment by filling a form in the Chat box, thank you!




     Please click here for other important grooming information. 😊


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